项目名称|Project Name:柴犬“八饼”の家 项目地址|Location:上海 · 闵行区 面 积| area:200㎡ 设计机构|Design Agency:简狄设计事务所 ![]() 这是一套位于上海闵行区的老式联排,原始房型为地上3层加1层阁楼,东西跨度偏窄,是典型的长条形联排户型。作为全屋核心的楼梯,却缩在卫生间的后面。除了采光差以外,还挤压了客厅和入户门厅的空间,截断了南北两个区域。 第一次和屋主在现场见面,大家相聊甚欢。我们了解到屋主是一对年轻夫妻,有个可爱的女宝宝,对房子的痛点和自己的需求比较明确: ① 入户门厅空间局促,视野受限,需要改善。 ② 南北空间希望更通透,进门就有一种很开阔的视觉感受。 ③ 需要岛台,中厨必须考虑隔离油烟的问题。 ④ 喜欢原木的温暖色调,女主人喜欢可爱的公仔娃娃。 针对屋主的需求,我们分析“楼梯”位置对空间的影响最大,是首要解决的核心问题。所以围绕“楼梯”这个最大痛点,我们重新规划了空间:将楼梯位置移到对面,客厅一侧。楼梯的方案我们经过和屋主的反复探讨,最终确定了现在这个单跑楼梯的形式,把收纳、休闲和客厅背景等功能整合在一起,不仅节约了空间,实现了功能利用的最大化,还带来了全明的自然采光,极大提升了上下楼梯的体验感。随之,其他空间的优化问题自然迎刃而解。 平面方案确定后,顺利推进到深化设计阶段。第一稿效果图基本得到屋主认可,但始终还是差点意思。在沟通过程中,屋主想到了他们刚刚抱养的一只柴犬宝宝。于是接下来,男主人十分诙谐又感性的用柴犬宝宝来描绘他们脑海中对新家效果的期待:整体色调需要完美和柴犬匹配,要想象一只柴犬生活在这个家里和谐而温馨的场景,没有一丁点的违和。并且这个家必须是柴犬的家,换成泰迪、二哈、柯基……都不行。我们第一次听到这样的形容,虽然看似形象,但同时也很抽象。作为主案设计师曾昕,以女性特有的细腻和共情力接受了这一挑战,她认真研究了柴犬的生活习性和外形特质,把温润的原木色作为主基调,辅以充满童趣的莫兰迪色调为小夫妻打造了一套浪漫温馨的新家。大家看看,这个新家是否和柴犬“八饼”完美匹配呢? ![]() 原始户型图 / 平面布局图 01 #Entrance# ![]() ![]() 改造后的门厅进深达到2米多,原木风格的玄关一眼可见,也为一层的客餐厅空间奠定了基调。 After the transformation, the depth of the hall reaches more than 2 meters, and the log style porch can be seen at a glance, which also lays a foundation for the guest restaurant space on the first floor.02#Living room # ![]() 门厅进来,视线即可直达客厅甚至花园,非常通透。温暖的阳光洒在客厅里,慵懒地趴在地上晒太阳正是柴犬“八饼”最享受的时刻。 When you enter the lobby, you can see directly to the living room and even the garden, which is very transparent. The warm sunshine in the living room and lying lazily on the ground in the sun are the most enjoyable moments for the Shiba Inu "eight cakes". ![]() 楼梯整合了电视背景、休闲和收纳功能,最大化释放空间的同时,也是将家居装饰艺术和功能属性相结合的一种方式。初稿的效果里,我们并没有为楼梯扶手添加竖向的木条,但屋主一直很担心幼女上下楼梯的安全性,最后我们选用同色的原木定制了现在这排护栏,竟然也别有一番童趣。 The stairs integrate TV background, leisure and storage functions to maximize the release of space. At the same time, they are also a way to combine home decoration art and functional attributes. In the effect of the first draft, we didn't add vertical wooden strips to the stair handrails, but the owner has always been worried about the safety of the young girl going up and down the stairs. Finally, we chose logs of the same color to customize the current row of} guardrails, which has a different childlike appeal. ![]() ![]() 这扇充满童趣的大窗户,原本是一道窄门,因为旁边已经有了一道更宽的门通往花园,为了增加花园的利用率,于是我们把这道窄门改造成现在这扇固定拱形窗,窗后的小门廊改造为一间洗衣房。拱形窗的造型很别致:用艺术砖美化的部分实际是实体墙,我们用拱形窗套将装饰面和窗户包装成一个整体,看上去象是拉上一半的拱形窗。The big window full of childlike interest was originally a narrow door, because there was a wider door next to it leading to the garden. In order to increase the utilization rate of the garden, we transformed the narrow door into the current fixed arch window, and the small porch behind the window into a laundry room. The shape of the arched window is very unique: the part beautified with art bricks is actually a solid wall. We use the arched window cover to package the decorative surface and the window into a whole, which looks like an arched window with half pulled up. ![]() ![]() 透过落地窗,窥见秋阳里的一方小小花园:白色栅栏、原木色卡座和地板,加上灌木或绿或黄、或深或浅地涂抹,一幅温情的油画由眼入心,倍感温暖。Through the French window, you can see a small garden in the autumn sun: white fence, log color card seat and floor. With shrubs painted in green or yellow, deep or shallow, a warm oil painting comes from your eyes to your heart. 03#Dining room # 餐厅位于客厅与厨房之间,在一个南北通透的大空间里,视线非常开阔。六人位的实木长桌和岛台处于同一中轴线上,四周留足行走的空间,动线十分流畅。奶白色的餐边柜,上柜内嵌光源,门板为透明玻璃材质,适合展示;而下柜为封闭的烤漆门板,适合收纳各种食品和杂物;中间则是带水槽的操作台面。原木和奶白色的搭配,配上经典的日式吊灯,营造出温暖柔和的用餐氛围。The restaurant is located in the middle of the living room and kitchen. In a large north-south space, the line of sight is very open. The six person solid wood long table and the island platform are on the same central axis, leaving enough space for walking around, and the moving line is very smooth. Milk white side cabinet, light source embedded in the upper cabinet, and the door panel is made of transparent glass, which is suitable for display; The lower cabinet is a closed paint baking door panel, which is suitable for storing all kinds of food and sundries; In the middle is the operating table with sink. The combination of log and milky white, coupled with classic Japanese chandeliers, creates a warm and soft dining atmosphere. 04#Kitchen# 厨房两侧做了联动移门,这种可开可合的形式,完全解决了油烟问题,但又不损失通透感。 Linkage sliding doors are made on both sides of the kitchen, which can be opened and closed, which completely solves the oil fume problem without losing the sense of permeability.05#Bedroom# 推开主卧的门,似乎推开了童话世界的大门…… Opening the door of the master bedroom seems to open the door of the fairy tale world 没有复杂花俏的造型,仅以简单的色彩就可以打造一间浪漫温馨的卧室。奶白色的主调下,一面粉橙色的背景,软糯而雅致的搭配,一眼难忘。There is no complicated and fancy modeling, and only simple colors can create a romantic and warm bedroom. Under the main tone of milky white, a flour orange background, soft waxy and elegant collocation, unforgettable at a glance. 床边的小阳台被改造为内飘窗 打造为一个可以阅读、休憩的小天地 The small balcony beside the bed was transformed into an inner bay window to create a small world where you can read and rest 次卧为父母房,纯白的色调营造出明亮而宁静的休憩空间…… The second bedroom is the parents' room. The pure white tone creates a bright and quiet rest space 06#Study room# 儿童房打造为甜美的粉色系,可爱的云朵墙贴和儿童家具带来满满的童趣。 The children's room is made into a sweet pink department, and the lovely cloud wall stickers and children's furniture bring full children's fun. 07#Bathroom# 仿水磨石的小花砖,原木系的台盆柜,依然是奶白色的主调,公共卫生间保持了和客餐厅一致的整体感。 The small flower brick imitating terrazzo and the basin cabinet of log system are still the main tone of milky white. The public toilet maintains the overall sense consistent with the guest restaurant. 主卫选用了一款小众的薄荷绿羽毛砖 希望给空间带来不一样的清新自然 The main guard chose a small mint green feather brickhoping to bring different freshness and nature to the space08#Stairway# 楼梯的位置在三层发生了变化,形成了一个宽敞的公共过道,我们利用这一空间规划了衣帽柜、梳妆区。而北房间设计为书房,附带一个小阳台。 The position of the stairs has changed on the third floor to form a spacious public corridor. We use this space to plan the wardrobe and dressing area. The north room is designed as a study with a small balcony. 二楼过道的中间区域,原本是一个封闭的杂物间,我们将之打开后,设计了一间多功能房。可以作为宝宝的游戏室兼临时客房使用,极大地提高了空间的利用率。 The position of the stairs has changed on the third floor to form a spacious public corridor. We use this space to plan the wardrobe and dressing area. The north room is designed as a study with a small balcony. 楼梯移动到了朝南的一侧后,简直为房子开启了通往新世界的大门:设计师很好得利用了墙上的条窗来造景,明艳的阳光肆意洒在木质楼梯上,湛蓝的帆船吊灯在风中徐徐转动,形成天然律动的光影效果……设计的巧思超越了一切堆砌的装饰。 When the staircase moves to the south side, it simply opens the door to the new world for the house: the designer makes good use of the window on the wall to create the scenery, the bright sunshine is wantonly sprinkled on the wooden stairs, and the blue sailboat chandelier rotates slowly in the wind to form a natural rhythmic light and shadow effect... The ingenious design goes beyond all} stacked decorations. 09 #Attic# 阁楼是专门为喜爱DIY酿酒的女主人打造的工作室,这里集会客、娱乐、休闲和收纳等多功能为一体,是女主人最喜欢的一方自由天地。阁楼南北各有一个天窗,因此采光和通风都非常好。朝南的天窗下设计了一组卡座沙发,白天享和风暖阳,夜晚赏星辰皓月,好不惬意。 The attic is a studio specially built for the hostess who loves DIY wine making. It integrates functions such as gathering guests, entertainment, leisure and storage. It is the hostess's favorite free world. There is a skylight in the north and south of the attic, so the daylighting and ventilation are very good. Under the south facing skylight, a group of card seat sofas are designed to enjoy the warm wind and sun during the day and the bright stars and moon at night. - end - |