PORCH-ROMANCE OF THE MOON#玄关-月照花林,如梦似幻 本案是精装修改造项目,屋主是一位沉稳低调的私企掌托人,喜欢古色古香的中式风格,但生活方式又非常现代化。精装房千篇一律的布局难以满足屋主对高品质生活的追求,于是通过网络联系到我们,希望通过设计,让家重获新生。 房屋的地理位置极好,坐拥一线江景视野,我们以此为出发点,结合屋主喜欢的中式元素,将山水融入空间表达。同时兼顾到屋主的现代生活方式,做到古今平衡,淡然优雅。 电视隐入墙中,大面积深色格栅做巴适门,严整的线条排布,让空间自带秩序感。移门开合自如,空间更显精巧灵动。 The TV is hidden in the wall, and a large area of dark grille is used as Bashi door. The strict line layout makes the space have a sense of order. 电视墙两侧对称布置中式端景架,放上中式摆件,一器一物的肌理与雅意,将千年的文化传承融入室内空间,心远喧嚣地,情归最浓时。 Chinese style end view frames are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the TV wall, and Chinese decorations are placed on them. 客厅一分为二,用巧妙的软装布置划分出客厅和茶室。摆脱传统靠墙摆放的束缚,两张相对的现代感沙发,结合中式留白技法,营造疏朗而不苍白的对谈氛围。 The living room is divided into two parts, and the living room and tea room are divided with ingenious soft decoration.Get rid of the traditional wall layout. Two relatively modern sofas, combined with Chinese white space techniques. 取消阳台原始梭门,空间合并,最大化发挥房屋地理位置优势,邻窗而立,一线江景一览无余。 4.5米整面落地窗,不仅是公区的主要引光通道,更是室内室外的连接枢纽。加长的空调出口,尺幅上与落地窗形成呼应,不拘于古,不囿于今,塑造出恢宏的豪宅气度。 Cancel the original shuttle door on the balcony, merge the space, maximize the geographical advantages of the house, stand next to the window, and have a panoramic view of the river. TEAHOUSE-MOUNTAINS #茶室-山水相映,水漫茶生 木质茶桌、圈椅、微缩盆景,构筑出一方清雅写意空间,水漫过茶,茶以另一种方式绽放重生,东方古老的哲学观,在这一隅精微景致中展现的淋漓尽致。 背景墙借鉴飘逸的水墨画笔法,将中式雅韵在空间中徐徐展开。两侧对称设计的展示柜,加装灯光系统,光影斑驳,材质、物境交错,调和出一室沉静悠长。 Wooden tea table, armchair and miniature bonsai create a elegant and freehand space.The background wall draws lessons from the elegant ink painting technique to unfold the Chinese elegant rhyme in the space. RESTAURANT-POETIC FLAVOUR #餐厅-烟火之地,诗性逻辑 餐厅的圆形顶与餐桌形态呼应,看似没有传统中式的痕迹,却暗合中国文化中对圆的推崇。 背景墙选择中式主题的墙咔拼图,中式风情结合现代审美,烟火之地也充满着古意的馨香。 The round top of the restaurant echoes the table shape. It seems that there is no trace of traditional Chinese style, but it coincides with the worship of the circle in ancient Chinese culture. BEDROOM-QUIET SPACE #主卧套间-闹中取静,自然烙印 主卧设计为带有衣帽间和卫生间的舒适套房,打造更具私密感的多功能睡眠空间。顶部延续无主灯设计,扩张空间视觉张力,告别繁复,在喧嚣都市中寻得一处纯粹静谧之所。 The master bedroom is designed as a comfortable suite with a cloakroom and bathroom, creating a more private and multi-functional sleep space. 背景墙延续中式墙咔画的设计,搭配软包材质半墙,视觉上和谐不失个性。枕一席时光的纹理脉络,享受繁忙过后的慵懒时光。 The background wall continues the design of Chinese wall painting, and is matched with the half wall made of soft bag material, which is visually harmonious without losing personality. 结合床头一侧的小窗,布置梳妆台,为女屋主留下一处精致的变美之地,迎着清晨的微风暖阳,美好的一天从这里开始。 Combined with the small window on the side of the head of the bed, the dressing table is arranged to leave a delicate and beautiful place for the female homeowner. 床头留出足够空间,依墙布置简约桌椅,方便孩子日常看书学习。内套的阳台是孩子独属的休闲之所,捧一杯热茶远眺窗外,身体与心灵得到深度放松。 There is enough space at the head of the bed, and simple tables and chairs are arranged according to the wall to facilitate children's daily reading and learning. 客房延续山水画背景墙,水墨飘逸,赋予空间更多写意,让居者最大限度的感受到自然与人文意趣。床头出留出钢琴区,黑白琴键交织出一首柔和的空间序曲,与空间中的中式元素邂逅融合,共同构筑生活之美。 The guest room continues the background wall of landscape painting, and the ink is elegant, giving the space more freehand brushwork, so that the residents can feel the natural and humanistic interest to the greatest extent. 改造前一起看看精装房本来的样子Before reconstruction 平面布置图 1.玄关区设计了独立的收纳间,进出门换鞋换衣更加方便。2.客厅用软分割的手法一分为二,规划出一间清雅茶室,满足屋主对品茶空间的需求。3.子女房将阳台纳入其中,扩充空间可布置面积,最大化利用异形阳台。 INFO Address:世茂锦绣长江Homestyle:中式轻奢Built-up area:260㎡ Designer:三伏设计 Construction:三伏U+home Photograph : 梵镜空间摄影
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