Project Information 项目名称 | SENYU·SPA丨蜉蝣 主案设计 | 沈芳 设计团队 | 叶绍正、程颖、郑德丰 空间摄影 | 鑫空视觉艺术机构 设计时间 | 2021年8月 设计面积 | 800㎡ 材料 | 微水泥、地胶板、艺术涂料、藤编、木饰面、大理石等 ![]() Introduction 蜉蝣世,万万生,空念绥,悠悠渡。 自然界中,有一种生物名蜉蝣,其幼虫生活于水中六年,羽化后舍弃五脏六腑,将肚里空间都充满空气,方能破水而出,变为成虫,成虫不饮不食,寿命及短,只能存活数小时,多则几天,故得“朝生暮死”之说,此次设计亦是如此,我们在探索一个剥茧抽丝的过程,从繁复中寻觅精髓,剥离次要,也希望给您呈现蜉蝣的一生。 In nature, there is a creature named mayfly, its larvaelive in water for six years, after feathering, it gives up its internal organsand fills the space in its stomach with air before it can break the water andbecome an adult, the adult does not drink or eat, and its life span is short,it can only survive for a few hours or a few days, so it is said to "liveand die", so is this design, we are exploring a process of stripping thecocoon, searching for the essence from the complexity and stripping thesecondary, we also hope to present you the life of mayflies. ![]() 此规划场地为较规则的南北向长方形地块,因部分场地内下处有配电房,造成部分场地标高有近六米,设计成果经由复杂的高差和灵动的动线处理,完成了室内建筑和环境的共同生长。因此成就了空间中最具辨识性的建筑体块——“蜉蝣”。 The planning site is a relatively regularnorth-south rectangular plot, due to the presence of a power distribution roomin the lower part of the site, resulting in a partial site elevation of nearlysix meters, the design results through the complex height difference anddynamic dynamic processing, to complete the co-growth of the interiorarchitecture and the environment. As a result, the most recognizable buildingblock in the space, "Mayfly", is created. ![]() 01 质朴的材料与柔和的曲面 SINCERE MATERIALITY AND CURVED SURFACES 设计的初心旨在为SPA营造独特的空间氛围,并赋予空间价值与意义,这种理念最终以弧线与曲面的几何形式表现出来,立面设计上崇尚简洁、质朴,取消多余装饰装修,极尽节俭,突出设计感,在空间营造上灵动且富于变化。在中庭位置处的地台结合枝状动线,形成了开敞流动的室内公共空间。 The design aims to create a unique spatialatmosphere for the SPA and to give value and meaning to the space. This conceptis finally expressed in the geometric form of curved lines and surfaces, andthe façade design advocates simplicity and simplicity, eliminates superfluousdecorative decoration, is extremely frugal, highlights the sense of design, andis dynamic and varied in the creation of space. The flooring at the atriumposition combined with the branching lines creates an open and flowing indoorpublic space. ![]() ![]() 将空间想象成box,以多个球体的形变在box中增减,打开原本封闭的box,引入多层次的光,并重新梳理功能流线与结构材料关系,使其视觉上呈现建筑本身是一股力量在生长,顶到四周墙体时的一个瞬间状态,与周围环境在和谐的冲突下对话,为交流、展示、休息提供了舒适的场所。 Imagine the space as a box, add orsubtract in the box with multiple spheres of deformation, open the originallyclosed box, introduce multi-level light, and reorganize the functional flow andstructural material relationship, so that it visually presents the buildingitself as a force growing, top to the surrounding walls in a momentary state,and dialogue with the surrounding environment in a harmonious conflict,providing a comfortable place for communication, display and rest. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 02 以用户体验为基础 ARCHITECTURE BASED IN THE USER EXPERIENCE 门厅处使用结构砖弱化围合的闭塞,模糊室内外界限,形成既具宁静温馨的室内环境,又具流畅动线的规划布局。大厅设计给人以不同层次的空间感受。门厅、前台、洗头房以及楼梯口等空间模糊了室内外界限,结合优美的室外绿化环境,形成“人在景中行”的空间感受。 The use of structural bricks in the foyerweakens the enclosed closure and blurs the boundary between interior andexterior, forming a planning layout with both a quiet and warm interiorenvironment and a smooth dynamic line. The design of the lobby gives people afeeling of different levels of space. The foyer, front desk, hair washing roomand stairway blur the boundary between indoors and outdoors, and combine withthe beautiful outdoor green environment to form the spatial feeling of"people walking in the scenery". 室内空间的叛逆体现在空间的多变与灵活,用简单对抗复杂。从平面布局的逻辑中,我们遵循了灵活性、可拆解、多变的方式赋予空间更多的功能,使空间有很强的向心性的同时也具备发散性。最重要的是空间带给人的体验是一个促进人与人交流的场所。 The rebellion of interior space isreflected in the versatility and flexibility of space, fighting complexity withsimplicity. From the logic of plan layout, we follow the way of flexibility,disassembly and variability to give more functions to the space, so that thespace has a strong centripetal as well as divergent nature. The most importantthing is that the space brings the human experience as a place to promote humancommunication. ![]() 对空间结构和形式的塑造,均采用了极简的设计语言。在保持现有空间的简单几何形式的同时,设计团队通过家具陈设丰富了其多样性。与此同时,谨慎的选材控制了各种可能产生的杂音,避免了空间的繁杂与浮夸。在用材和色调的选择上,整体采用了环保木材与米灰色主色调,旨在为顾客带来舒适放松的空间体验。 A minimalist design language was used to shape both thestructure and form of the space. While maintaining the simple geometric form ofthe existing space, the design team enriched its diversity through furniturefurnishings. At the same time, the careful selection of materials controls allkinds of possible noises and avoids the complexity and pomposity of the space.The overall choice of materials and color palette is based on eco-friendly woodand beige gray color, aiming to bring a comfortable and relaxing experience tocustomers. 03 营造极致空间感官 Create the ultimatespace sensation 大家都喜欢坐在街边饮茶沐浴阳光,好不惬意。也因此,在整个设计规划和空间表现中,阳光成为了我们非常重要的语言之一,坐在沙发上亦或是浴缸里,感受倾泻而下的阳光,月夜领略雨露星辰,已然触手可及。 Everyone likes to sit on the streetdrinking tea and bathing in the sunshine, so relaxing. Therefore, in the wholedesign planning and space performance, sunlight has become one of our veryimportant language, sitting on the sofa or in the bathtub, feeling the sunlightpouring down, and enjoying the rain and stars at night, is already withinreach. 看过繁庑,内心便更加纯粹,也愈加极致。极简不是冷淡,而是内心足够丰富后的外化表现。越简单,越不简单。空间的留白是心境的画布,淡妆浓抹随心而生,在极致的工艺和不羁的艺术中倾诉自己的情感。世间万般,适而用,不适则改,有时候心血来潮,便迸发出属于此间创作花火。 When you have seen the hardships, yourheart becomes more pure and more extreme. Minimalism is not indifference, butthe externalized expression of a rich enough heart. The simpler it is, the moreuncomplicated it is. The white space is the canvas of the mind, and the lightmake-up and thick paint are created according to the heart, and the extremecraftsmanship and unrestrained art pour out their emotions. Sometimes, when thewhim comes, it will burst out the flower and fire belonging to this creation.