■ 我们都在后疫情时代不断的摸索与前行, 生活本身应该是什么样子? 是越来越多人思考的问题。 家,不再只是生活的格子, 是我们对理想生活向往的体现,是让心灵栖息的港湾。 ■ We are all and moving What should life be like? It is a question that more and more people are thinking about. Home is no longer just a grid of life, It is the embodiment of and a harbor for the soul to live in. ■ 金地嘉源是金地集团在上海的新作品, 在关注居住空间本身之外, 更注重提升居住者的生活状态和品质, 在乎的是人与城市、人与自然和谐共生的关系, 也更加注重社交与圈层。 ■ Gemdale Jiayuan is Gemdale Group's new work in Shanghai. Pay more attention to improving the living conditions and quality of occupants, What we care about is the harmonious symbiosis It also pays more attention and social circles. ■客餐一体化是现代家居的趋势,为了让整体空间在视觉效果与使用上更加和谐统一,设计师遵循了色调与质感的统一。 ■ The integration of guest and of modern home furnishing. In order to make the overall space more harmonious andof visual effect and use, The designer followed of tone and texture. ■ 沙发选型来自于经典的意大利品牌Minotti, 它将传统与创新, 优雅与实用性完美的结合, 天才工匠对细节价值的追求将生活质感凸显无疑。 ■ The sofa selection comes from the classic Italian brand Minotti, It combines tradition and innovation, The pursuit of detail value by talented craftsmen will undoubtedly highlight the quality of life. ■ 电视墙融合了收纳功能,以琉璃和金属质感的装饰提升空间的氛围感,让生活空间的细节有质感、有温度。■The TV wall integrates the storage function,The decoration of glass and metal texture enhances theatmosphere of the space,Let the details of the living space have texture and warmth. ■ 餐厅延续整体空间淡雅的木饰面与大地色,以杏色为点缀,让空间整体的灵动感和氛围感提升,营造出优雅的雀跃时刻。■The restaurant continues the color of the overall space.Decorated with apricot,Enhance the overall sense of atmosphere of the space,Create an elegant moment of joy. ■ 白瓷定义优雅, 皮革给予温度, 金属带来质感, 生活的美妙在于触摸到的每一瞬, 带来的精致与雅适。 ■ White porcelain defines elegance, leather gives temperature, Metal brings texture, The beauty of every moment you touch, Sophistication and elegance. ■ 主卧的色彩延续杏色主题,但是更加注重视觉的 质感与温馨,色彩在原有基础上稍作升级,让私享空间更具安全感。■ The color of continues the apricot theme,But pay more attention to thee and warmth,The color is slightly the original basis,Make your private space more secure. ■ 稍显浓重的大地与自然色彩的搭配更具包容的意象, 让空间更加贴近舒适与放松的状态, 充满温暖的质感与气息。 ■ The combination of the h and natural colors is more inclusive. Make the space closer to a state and relaxation, Full of warmth and texture.■ 衣帽间与妆台相连, 让女主人更加轻松随意的搭配与切换, 在自由舒适的空间里随心所欲, 让空间与心境产生灵动的对话。 ■ The cloakroom is connected to the table. Let the hostessd casually match and switch, Do whatever you free and comfortable space, Let the space and have a smart dialogue. ■ 用优雅面对生活的每一刻, 用艺术书写生活哲学, 让空间的每一瞬都可以定格为美好的回忆。 ■ Facing every moment of life with grace, Write a philosophy of life with art, Let every moment of the space be frozen as a good memory. ■ 把精致融入每一寸时光, 让让空间有温度,诠释轻奢优雅的生活态度, 才能得到有温度有情感的家。 ■ Incorporate sophistication into of time, Let the space have the light luxury and elegant attitude towards life, In order to get a warm and emotional home. 【项目信息】 项目名称 | 金地峯汇 项目地点 | 上海 项目开发 | 中铁建 & 金地集团 陈设艺术 | 美域高MIYUKO 设计主创 | 李倩倩 设计样本 | 样板间 项目面积 | 99㎡ 项目摄影 | Ingallery |