在既定的建筑框架下,创造一个容纳人与甜品的空间,使人与甜品在空间中形成对话与互动。 Create a space that accommodates people and desserts within the established architectural framework, allowing for dialogue and interaction between people and desserts in the space. ▼项目一瞥丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 通过洞察消费市场,发觉店铺设计风格同质化严重,希望在升级中探索出差异化的内容,于是找到了我们 ... Through insight into the consumer market, I found that the design style of the store is severely homogenized. I hope to explore the content of business travel differentiation during the upgrade, so I found us... ▼餐厅外观丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 设计思考 | Design Thinking 诧寂风在空间结构中的运用 Generate new spatial structures in building blocks 侘寂强调的是一种精神、态度、境界,所以在实际生活或设计应用中不应该人为地设限。在空间表达上,该项目设计多处运用弧形的曲线设计,弱化横平竖直的线条感,丰富了空间的细节与层次感。 Silence emphasizes a spirit, attitude, and realm, so it should not be artificially limited in practical life or design applications. In terms of spatial expression, the project uses curved curves in multiple designs, weakening the sense of horizontal and vertical lines, and enriching the details and hierarchy of the space. ▼入口处丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 设计师将室内美学与外部自然相结合,自然光照入室内,与诧寂风形成绝妙搭配。曲线与影子相依相随,落在墙壁和盘中,为拍照摄影爱好者营造氛围感和双重视觉享受。 The designer combines interior aesthetics with external nature, allowing natural light to shine into the interior and create a stunning combination with the eerie breeze. The curves and shadows are interdependent and fall on the walls and plates, creating an atmosphere and dual visual enjoyment for photography enthusiasts. ▼沐浴在自然光下的用餐区丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 结构&内外 | Structure & Enclosure 自然柔和之美 The beauty of natural softness 空间上围绕着诧寂、曲线、自然、绿色的品牌关键词展开,通过曲线与自然的交织融合,营造出淡雅、舒适的氛围。玻璃砖让落进室内的阳光更细腻,成为休闲时光的惬意点缀。唯一的明亮色彩来自甜点,因为如此 甜点看起来更加诱人。 The space revolves around brand keywords of surprise, curves, nature, and green, creating a simple and comfortable atmosphere through the interweaving and fusion of curves and nature. Glass bricks make the sunlight falling into the room more delicate, becoming a comfortable decoration for leisure time. The only bright color comes from desserts, as they look even more tempting. ▼后门丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 光的变化 | Changes in light 夜幕降临之时 Quando La Notte 夜晚是白日的倒影,半梦是平凡的想象,以专注而认真的态度,创造一种“生活”的想象,希望它能够拥有点亮平凡的力量,让在这里的每个时刻丰满、有光。 Night is the reflection of the day, while half a dream is an ordinary imagination. With a focused and serious attitude, we create an imagination of 'life', hoping that it can have the power to light up the ordinary and make every moment here full and shining. ▼夜晚效果图丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() ![]() 空间丝丝入扣地低语着日夜光影的浮动,也具象地捕捉到时光的平缓流淌。在极其克制的设计语言之外,氤氲着度假心情才会观察到的微妙氛围。 The space whispers intricately with the floating of light and shadow day and night, capturing the smooth flow of time in a concrete way. Beyond the extremely restrained design language, there is a subtle atmosphere that can only be observed amidst a vacation mood. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 项目名称丨AmazingToday今日惊喜 项目地点丨福建福州 项目类型丨餐饮空间 设计单位丨再設計空间事務所