随着时代的发展 ,代表悠闲生活方式的酒吧,却依然如此火爆,当面对社交媒体上海量的打卡照片,似乎越来越难以选择, 人们也更期待新的商业模式来唤醒沉闷体验。 As times go by, bars, which represent the laid-back lifestyle, are still so hot that it seems increasingly difficult to choose when faced with a sea of punchline photos on social media. People are also looking more to new business models to wake up the dull experience. ▼项目一瞥丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 项目愿景 | Project Background 轻松社交 Relaxed Socializing 当汽车尾灯亮起时,夜幕降临忙碌的一天结束,放松一下疲惫的身心,让大家感受自由向往轻松社交。酒吧带来了与潜在用户直接交流的机会。有利于塑造个性化视觉设计,达成轻松社交的作用。 ▼室内效果图丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 空间视觉 | Spatial vision 旧材新用的空间美感 The beauty of space with new use of old materials 门头设计思考表达年轻感,去除建筑多余饰面材质,还原结构初始感,原始感轻装饰表达客群性格,酒吧入口处采取了开放型的设计,进门后整体空间一目了然。196㎡的空间,保留了原始的水泥基底,如同旧厂房一般的视觉效果,带来强烈的感官刺激,旧材新用,一个看似简单粗犷,实则有着蓬勃的生命力且值得细细品位的新空间。 ▼室内效果图丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 灯光视觉 | Lighting Vision 光影对比营造出空间特色 The contrast between the intensity of light and shadow creates spatial character 灯光设计主要是以基础照明为主,辅以重点区域照明,基础照明主要是为了使室内光线形成延展、色调保持统一,从而保证基本亮度,而重点照明部分,成簇的线性吊灯让区域保持立体感的同时,以光影的对比来突出空间特色。 The lighting design is mainly based on basic lighting, supplemented by accent area lighting. The basic lighting is mainly to make the interior light form an extension and keep the tone uniform, thus ensuring the basic brightness, while the accent lighting part, clusters of linear chandeliers make the area maintain a three-dimensional sense while highlighting the characteristics of the space with the contrast between the strength and weakness of light and shadow. ▼室内效果图丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() 从杯中窥探世界,彷佛带着微醺后支离破碎,我们希望他传达出更加新锐及艺术化的视觉表达。 酒吧不仅仅只是消遣的去除,更重要的是交流,是人与人的交流,也是灵魂自己的对话,酒精的作用往往回更把人拉到精神的世界当中,而这样的世界,恰恰不那么具体。 A glimpse of the world through a glass As if fragmented by a slight intoxication, we hope that he conveys a more up-to-date and artistic visual expression. The bar is more than just a place to spend time, it is a place of communication, a conversation between people and their souls, and the effect of alcohol is often to draw people into a spiritual world that is less tangible. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 项目名称丨叙酒酒吧 项目地点丨福建福州 项目面积丨196m2 项目类型丨餐饮空间 设计单位丨再設計空间事務所 ![]() |
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