美式田园复古是一种充满温馨和自然气息的设计风格,融合了美国乡村风格和复古元素,营造出一种舒适、自然、朴实的生活氛围。 American rural retro is a design style full of warmth and natural atmosphere, integrating American rural style and retro elements, creating a comfortable, natural, and simple living atmosphere. 在这种设计风格中,会看到大量的木质家具、纯棉布艺、手工编织的地毯和餐具,以及各种自然材料制成的装饰品。 In this design style, you will see a large number of wooden furniture, pure cotton fabric, hand woven carpets and tableware, as well as decorations made of various natural materials. 这些元素都让人感受到一种质朴的美感,让人回归自然,远离城市的喧嚣和繁忙。 These elements all give people a sense of rustic beauty, allowing them to return to nature and stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 色彩搭配上也非常注重自然和温暖。 In terms of color matching, there is also a great emphasis on nature and warmth. 常见的颜色包括米色、棕色、绿色、黄色等,这些颜色都能够带给人一种舒适和放松的感觉。 Common colors include beige, brown, green, yellow, etc., all of which can bring a sense of comfort and relaxation. 让人感受到自然和温馨,让人回归到最初的生活状态,享受简单而美好的生活。 Let people feel nature and warmth, return to their original state of life, and enjoy a simple and beautiful life. 案排 / 白白 Scheduling/BaiBai 表现师 / 黎川 Performer/Li Chuan 制作周期 / 7天 Production cycle/7 days 创意工具 / 3DMAX2022 / CR8.0 Creative Tools/3DMAX2022/CR8.0 |
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