▲元素进化 虽然建筑的形态、空间及外观要符合必要的逻辑性,但建筑还应该蕴涵直指人心的力量。这一时代所谓的创造力就是将科技与人性完美结合。而传统元素在建筑设计中担任的角色应该像化学反应中的催化剂,它能加速反应,却在最终的结果里不见踪影。 “The structure, space and appearance of the building must conform to the rules of geometrics; the building should contain the power to call out to the human heart. Creativity in this era is the perfect combination of technology and human nature. It reflects the belief that the role of traditional elements in architectural design should act as a catalyst in a chemical reaction, first accelerating the reaction and then fading into the background.” — 丹下健三 KenzoTange— 福建厦门筼筜湖,碧水绿涛,白鹭旋翔。山海厝边,遇见御森燕概念店。 从莆田的首个概念店,到福州,再到厦门,这是我们与御森燕品牌的第三次合作。 设计上始终贯穿的,都是“家”的理念:燕窝——燕子的“家”;厝——福建人的“家”。 在每个空间的设计上,我们都会提取当地民居建筑特点或地理特性:莆田的传统民居、福州的山、厦门的海、红砖、木梁、石头墙…… 雨燕于山崖海畔相逢处筑巢,燕窝里凝注了山魂海韵。燕燕于飞,灵动里有沉稳,轻盈里有厚重,设计概念随喜而生。 From the first store located in Putian, to our second and third stores in Fuzhou and Xiamen, this is our third cooperation with the Yusenyan brand. The concept of "home" is threaded throughout the design for example: bird's nest-the "home" of swallows; “cuo”-the "home" of Fujianese. In the design of each space, we combine the architectural features or geographical characteristics of local residential buildings like: the traditional residential houses in Putian, the mountains in Fuzhou, the sea in Xiamen, red bricks, wooden beams, stone walls... Swifts build nests where they meet by the cliffs and the sea, and the bird’s nest is filled with the spirit of the mountain and the sea. Like the swift gliding through the sky, there is calmness in agility, weight in lightness, and the design concept is born with joy. # 项目视频 # # 项目地理位置 # ▲门面形象爆炸图 ▲外立面生长图 ▲楼层生长图 ▲天台爆炸图 ▲天台生长图 海 · 立于形 The Sea · Stands tall 空间与艺术的边界, 热爱,坚守,梳理,重构, 在时空的缝隙间镶嵌出重发力。 The border between the space and art Passion, loyalty and precision overlap. In the space between, The mosaic revives its strength 城市与传统包容碰撞, 隐与显的侧影, 交融并五彩斑斓。 City and tradition collide The seen and unseen Overlap in a fusion of colors. 海浪墙,逐光而动, 涟漪层分,探索,纠缠。 互动和体验关联,延续,铺陈, 更加灵活地换移整体氛围。 The wall of waves shifts with the light The tide goes in and out, searching, grasping The atmosphere is alive and inspiring. 隔山望海寻燕鸣, 在空间的叙事符号间细细品鉴,不期而遇。 填充的是他处难寻的节点, 方寸间,一一破例。 Over the sea and through the mountains Following the cries of the swift A narrative symbol amidst time, Exquisitely detailed, Breaking through the concept of a confined space It does not disappoint. 日与夜的对话, 时间切换,空间流转,自带仪式, 耀阳,云卷,星月,归燕, 于海上,悄然遇见。 Day and night speak, Times goes on Each with its own ceremony. The radiant sun, rolling clouds, The moon and the stars and the homeward bound swift All meet at the sea. 空间尺度的“秩”与“序”, 大胆,匠心,复兴,新酿, 慢节奏地沉思,快节奏地回响。 The "rank" and "order" of the spatial scale, Bold, ingenious, revival, like new wine. Slow contemplation yields quick reply 氛围润亮一处清流, 将触摸不见化作充实的沉淀。 The atmosphere is bright and crisp, Making the invisible, visible. 目之所及,尽是喜悦。 红砖,蓝海, 一半是传承,一半是新生。 All that meets the eye brings joy Red brick, blue sea Dividing legacy and new life. 抽象的视觉识别与冲击的新鲜感, 似幻听新声—— 雨燕呢喃,波涛拍岸。 It appeals to the senses With the rush of freshness The cry of birds and the crashing of waves. 家 · 藏以魂 Home · The hidden spirit 室内空间本质还是家的理念。 用艺术的尝试, 把空间气质做一个有跨度的迭代, 用算法与美学递归维度的细处。 The inside space embodies the concept of home The intricate details of the heart Can be formed by calculated effort Emotion, logic and expression combined 映像的本质是心有归宿, 理性的存同求异是感性对生活的进阶还原。 In an attempt to replicate the image And create a sense of belonging 家的脊梁,延续了时间的痕迹。 用现代的手法呈现对古民居元素的印象, 同时,也和旧木梁形成一种新旧对比, 用冲突感,让空间更耐人寻味。 The backbone of the home Holds the traces of time With modern craftsmanship and aged wood We preserve the old while maintaining the new It makes one want to linger. 传统与现代笔触的凝结, 上善若水,任方圆, 移步换洞天。 Tradition and modernity meet The quality of a person will see them to the end 因为光,让空间有了渐浓的思绪。 因为和煦,让家有了恰意的美好。 The light inspires inner contemplation The space is warm and welcoming 意 · 塑于微 Meaning · Shape & Detail “意”与“象”合成美的秘密, 详细解读后, 于隐喻处鉴赏, 复合出轮廓分明的意象主义。 A beautiful combination of meaning and image Reveals the secret lies in metaphor, And is chiseled in imagery. 红砖、石墙, 切割,排列,转换, 肌理变化,层现现代解构主义的内涵。 Red bricks, stone walls, Cut, arrange, change, The texture changes reveal the connotation of modern Deconstructionism. 光合作用, 从户外走进室内, 触碰不及, 却隐隐散发出芬芳饱和的平衡与能量。 The energy of Photosynthesis, From outdoors to indoors, Is beyond physical touch, Still sense the fragrant balance of it’s power and strength. 矩阵引流,守恒与转化之间, 燕燕于飞,惊鸿一现。 Like a bird soaring upward A true glimpse of inspiration Unforgettable 顺其自然, 源源不断地释放, 逐渐蔓延的元气, 添增了越级的智慧与软实力。 Relax in the flow of life, Continuously release, And vitality will spread gradually, With supreme wisdom and soft power. 每一处鸣飞,都是故事的主角。 如臻化境,柔软心灵, 天青,羽化,绽放, 册页写意照影来。 To find Ming Fei is to find the protagonist Like entering a mythical world to find The perfect state, soft soul, emergence, azure, bloom Immortalized. 红与灰,石与漆, 朴素与热忱, 表面质感的细腻工艺, 不同的处理,是文化内涵延展的不同比例。 Red and gray, stone and lacquer, Simplicity and enthusiasm, The delicate craftsmanship of the surface texture, Reveal various processes Connotes individual cultural extension. 白光过隙,有态度,亦含岁月的洗礼。 微处着力,慎于初,不断成长并长成。 Time passes at the speed of light Baptizing all in its path Pay attention to detail, Go slowly at first Seize every opportunity Finally, with honesty reach your full potential! # 平面布置图 # ▲一层平面布置图 ▲二层平面布置图 ▲三层平面布置图 ▲顶层平面布置图 项目名称: 御森燕旗舰店项目地址:福建厦门 设计主创:张建武设计团队:物上空间 软装团队:物色软装 施工单位:广海工程 项目面积:410m2 主要材料:木纹石 、新中源岩板、艺术涂料 、木饰面板、白色穿孔铝单板 灯光设计:赖章灿空间摄影:阿奇/陈荣坤文案编辑:清歌传媒
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