远校设计 | 不被定义的灵动居所

本帖最后由 远校 于 2023-10-3 23:27 编辑
$ S+ \) C4 n7 i$ B% w  I" w+ x: M& ]: M% L. W; d3 D: O

2 M2 [: h" [- @$ ~+ M& o
Architects can’t force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers and make the meeting places useful and attractive.
—— 丹尼斯·斯考特
Denise Scott

% v  H( O5 w0 \) r& I- W
The design of the project is centered on the balance between office routine and home comfort, selecting gentle log materials, displaying a clean and sharp environmental vision, and seeking a balance in spatial function to build an open and composite living experience scene.
  T+ n& f( s) z" a/ W; i
  c) ~, T- S* P7 x+ ?
玄关与阳台 |
Entryway and Balcony

4 U7 S" ]7 M7 W8 s
Entrance foyer and living room balcony both joint into the area, but also by the optional Italian B&B Terminal 1 chair and single armchair split into independent areas, the fast pace of slow life, the heart of the direction, in accordance with the needs of the residents to follow.

& T2 c4 }4 W5 R, v( _! T
A cozy place to sit or lie down, a place of tension and relaxation, where minimalist aesthetics and inspiration collide to stimulate the interaction between spirit and space, and to evoke the exploration of physicality and sensuality.
# `* e/ P9 U5 W, E3 M, |4 v

# _# v  f$ B0 m& u3 D4 l  [
客厅 | Living Room

7 g* _" N/ R( ^, r9 G& I, n

6 a. u7 Q; i. p! l3 X0 J' @
The living room, with low saturated color temperature and open layout, collects the natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows into the interior, without intentionally dividing the pattern, allowing the warm sunshine to illuminate the space.

0 F8 V8 K0 s$ m, G
No main light design to stretch the height of the floor, to avoid the depth of the site brought about by the sense of oppression, optional fabric sofas, light tone to release the calm state of mind, Italian rock plate coffee table, with a dark color, to enhance the calm rhyme.
) r  r8 I: f/ z3 f" g, \: N- f
In the stone and log atmosphere, the use of simple furnishings to add layers of space, reconcile rationality and spontaneity of the spiritual context to create comfort, so that the free environment to become the carrier of aesthetic and emotional integration.
% `/ R; ], _- S* q$ ~7 r
Abandon the blockage of high walls, clear functional planning, highly harmonious sofa and office area, at a glance, the endless storage of cabinets to sweep away visual clutter, so that the space is more simple and atmospheric.
4 b) M; U  v3 x
7 T7 N9 ]% M. s
多功能区 | Multi-Purpose Area

& T3 R6 P+ y) y  D
; O, O9 s, \6 o8 p) ^

: E# o: o$ k% ?0 Y0 t. l, t
Stanford minimalist dining chair, texture and style coexist, semi-enclosed design of natural lightness, for the non-constrictive home office experience, creating an atmosphere of relaxed thinking space.
' r4 d" q, i& S6 ~5 W' N
Separate but not separate areas of activity, not only to create emotional exchanges, but also not to disturb each other, closely linked to the intimate relationship between people and people, people and space.

. H3 D, n) F- n
Undefined multi-functional utility scenarios, unlocking more home experience, creating a harmonious environment for office work, learning and thinking with flexibility and freedom.
4 \/ r0 o9 R( Q5 \- a

( r8 z) X% i( X3 }3 ?- \/ p
主卧 | Master Bedroom
3 K0 s: x) B% m  U

7 ?0 v) a# m# w" V5 y- b
+ W5 {* J! Q, |; [; I
The master bedroom is bright and clean, with suspended cabinets on both sides of the bed, reducing the heaviness of the space and interpreting the elegant tone of simplicity and comfort with a light visual effect.

% V/ C, e+ ^, ~% X" N
Bedroom extension of the whole house with one cabinet design, light-colored log texture, in the quiet space rendering ease and warmth, for the rest of the field of writing a gentle realm ......

2 _# Q: d0 S+ M. {6 ~( o
5 y0 j9 }2 k5 P
9 k4 A; ], G, l8 J5 x
The material design of the bathroom glass isolation and continuous, enhance the brightness of the bedroom, so that the texture of light and shadow, in the adjacent space to construct a natural poetry.

  m0 i, n& r- [- c! g0 ]
The design eliminates the boundary relationship between work and life, meets the daily needs of the residents in the same space container, breaks the inherent concept of place setting, and arranges the activity scene independently in the ideal residence.

8 }+ J$ J" o) ?; [* c( @8 k
▼项目介绍 | Programs▼

$ L5 }/ p: ]! U& p8 W! O
项目名称 | 龙光·御海天宸
Project name | Logan·YuHaiTianChen
设计机构 | 远校空间设计
Design Firm | YUANXIAO Space
主案设计 | 余远校
Interior Design | Yu YuanXiao
硬装设计 | 邵瑞环 余泽娇 余卓毅
Interior Design | Sao RuiHuan
项目地点 | 中国 汕头
Location | Shantou,China
设计面积 | 215㎡
Design Area | 215 sq.m.
设计时间 | 二零二三年七月
Design Time | July 2023

% ^5 i; D& d% L# X* G
* P8 Z: _6 r7 N1 @6 z( ?
( j4 E2 K: x  K' \& U' F  r2 G# F: x  p( ~1 L3 }/ G' _  s

3 j1 h) r5 n8 N! D) A1 H; s
Tailor-made Taste Aesthetic Spirit Space

8 \: I$ I  h" w2 j  g$ D5 Q
YUANXIAO SPACE DESIGN远校空间设计成立于2017年,我们一贯坚持“美学、专业、梦想”的理念。专注售楼中心、样板间、高端私宅、别墅 、办公室、酒店等领域,为客户提供全案设计及顶级定制服务。
% r* g& \" [. N6 o- o7 F
' n7 i( W( q' d' a  U. c' e
: b8 C' m; q  G, S
* H" D9 |4 A6 S( u9 `

/ |2 l& Y' W/ r7 v; A
YUANXIAO Space Design Co., Ltd

" B9 G7 C& |7 G9 n  g3 W
Shantou Chenghai District Dengfeng Road
No. 2302, Ladder 1, Building 4, Sunshine Yue Mansion, Longguang
- K% i. r, _2 t; ^7 U- o: O2 {- @: q

' H5 ?! Q1 b$ Z( L4 B) ~
电话 Tel : +131 1256 0037
邮箱 Email : 397174661@qq.com
微信 Wechat : 13112560037% A9 S/ s/ c/ n

4 S& Z, t& k7 |1 E! y! f; w$ G7 ^
3 J& W7 ]( `% ~- O
微信公众号 : 远校设计
小红书 : 远校空间设计有限公司; ~4 _8 N% [: k$ k0 x
  K7 O* ~2 _7 F5 p
- T( u; C' a2 b

) s, ]6 B+ Q7 V6 E$ d' _

& ]$ W. F  c, N! o% I5 k
, i; Q& D) X% \. D

; V/ g8 Z8 ]4 l$ n, g! X. ~4 B! V' ]: @2 b" R, `

  G/ ~, e& d! y) ]
: Z9 D: c) i# A1 F8 b! R+ B# R; ^

& }( {- ?# ^* B* P7 l' K& h. ], ~1 @6 _$ |
| Sales Center | Model Room |
|  High-end Private Residence  |  Villa Office | Hotel  |
; p6 T% @% j& p7 y2 W2 V

" R: _% e3 z* _" s6 M$ W% O/ p


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标签: 设计案例


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