潜木设计 | 无拘无束美在自由中绽放 贺雅幸福空间 | Commercial Design | 2023 Project Information Project Address:浙江省 ·宁波市 Area: 362㎡ Design time:2022年11月 Design style:现代简约 Main material:石材 涂料 金属 瓷砖 木作 玻璃珠 " 01 打破性别 边界 - 在西方的马克思主义和女性主义观点中,空间并非中性的,而是充满性别特征。性别关系和地位在空间的建构和再现中显现出来。 In the western Marxist and feminist views, space is not neutral, but full of gender characteristics. Gender relations and status are revealed in the construction and representation of space. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 然而,随着时代的演进和思想的发展,从现代空间的基本特征出发,或许更能够体现现代空间对于女性的意义。 However, with the evolution of the times and the development of ideas, starting from the basic characteristics of modern space, it may be more able to reflect the significance of modern space for women. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() " 02 独特的 女性力量 - 女性,她们如同五彩斑斓的绚丽光谱,拥有着多重身份,她们不是被这些标签所定义的。对于当代女性而言,最大的尊重是不被定义,而是被看作独特而完整的个体。 Women, they are a colorful spectrum, with multiple identities, and they are not defined by these labels. For contemporary women, the greatest respect is not to be defined, but to be seen as a unique and complete individual. ![]() ![]() 她们内心蕴含着有趣的灵魂,时而古灵精怪,如清风拂过;时而天马行空,如梦想展翅飞翔;又或温柔坚强,如春水般柔情却坚定不移。 There are interesting souls in them, sometimes whimsical, like the wind blowing; sometimes wild, like a dream to fly; or gentle and strong, like spring water tender but firm. 解放女性,意味着摆脱束缚,敢于探索,勇敢地发掘自身的潜能。这正是我们设计的初衷,为客户提供一个空间,不仅令其感受到破除束缚的力量,更唤醒女性内在的力量,让她们找回真正的自我。 The liberation of women means to break free from bondage, dare to explore, brave to explore their own potential. This is what we design, to provide a space for the client, not only to feel the power of breaking the shackles, but also to awaken the inner power of women, so that they find their true self. " 03 流畅创意 - 设计师以开放式的动线布局为创意出发点,将原本看似毫不相干的各种材料巧妙地融合在一起,犹如艺术的碰撞,点燃了空间中不同元素间的火花。 The creative starting point of the design is the open layout of the moving lines, which cleverly fuses various materials that are seemingly unrelated to each other, just like the collision of art, igniting the spark between different elements in the space. 设计师在这个空间中运用了曲面的穿插和体块的分割,以及多样材料的精妙碰撞,达到了一种流畅线条和自然流感的创意效果。 In this space, the designers used the interlacing of curved surface and the division of volume, as well as the subtle collision of various materials, to achieve a smooth line and the creative effect of natural flu. 曲线的巧妙穿插和体块的分隔不仅创造了空间中独特而流畅的轮廓,还通过多样材料的巧妙运用形成了连贯的空间感,使得不同区域之间自然而无缝地连接在一起。 The skillful insertion of curves and the separation of volumes not only create a unique and smooth outline in the space, but also form a coherent sense of space through the skillful use of diverse materials, make the different areas connected naturally and seamlessly. 这种设计手法不仅打破了传统的束缚,更是一场材料的盛宴,为空间注入了丰富的层次感和质感。 This kind of design technique not only broke the traditional fetter, is a material feast, has injected the rich level sense and the texture for the space. 轻盈的材料和设计元素的应用为整个空间带来了一种轻盈感,使之更加通透、明亮。这不仅增加了空间的宽敞感,同时也让光线更自由地穿透整个空间,为居住者带来更加明亮宜人的居住体验。 The application of light materials and design elements brings a sense of lightness to the entire space, making it more transparent and bright. This not only increases the spaciousness of the space, but also allows the light to penetrate the whole space more freely, bringing a brighter and more pleasant living experience for the residents. 而曲面和体块的分割则赋予了空间一种蔓延感,呈现出丰富的层次,使整个空间充满了变化和深度。 The division of the surface and the volume gives the space a sense of sprawl, showing a rich level, so that the whole space is full of change and depth. |