![]() 空间是否有态度、空间是否存在性格 答案是肯定的 设计的意义终究指向并服务于居住者 既要承载视觉审美上的愉悦 更需要将真正的舒适功能 考虑在全方位的日常使用之中 ![]() 初秋的午后阳光明媚,假期有人选择在车流如织中奔赴诗和远方,也有人选择利用假期的停摆好好整理思路重新出发,而我们希望通过松弛的设计,呈现出另一种充实而有意义的居家生活,不出门并不意味着无趣,忙碌过后的休闲,能让我们更好地发现自我成长和感恩的力量…… 漫享无界 ![]() ![]() 舒适的空间尺度,促进人与人之间的交流碰撞,形成情感的共鸣场。在每一个平常的日子里,也可以充满美好生活的情趣。恰好的空间格局辅以布艺的温润,予人最贴近心底的舒适。 The comfortable spatial scale promotes the communication and collision between people and forms a resonance field of emotions. On every ordinary day, it can also be full of the fun of a good life. The right spatial pattern is complemented by the warmth of the fabric, giving people the comfort closest to the heart. ![]() 色调的协调,材质的碰撞,点缀以艺术之美的装置艺术品,将空间设计关于美与实用性的兼有发挥到了极致。户外的自然光线游走空间之内,落地窗的设计让人与自然无界。 The coordination of tones, the collision of materials, and the installation artworks embellished with the beauty of art bring the space design to the extreme both beauty and practicality. Outdoor natural light wanders through the space, and the design of floor-to-ceiling windows makes people feel borderless with nature. ![]() 慵懒随性的空间,让居家休闲充满无限可能。在这里,仿佛有一股让时间慢下来的力量。伴着舒缓的音乐,阅读、电影……与家人一起享受慢悠悠的时光。 The lazy and casual space makes home leisure full of infinite possibilities. Here, there seems to be a force that slows down time. Soothing music, reading, guitar, movies, board games... Enjoy a slow time with your family. ![]() ![]() 设计不是将高奢的材质整合到一起的聚会,过度的低调或是极端的张扬,都不一定能表达出深刻的内涵。 Design is not a party that integrates high-luxury materials, and excessive low-key or extreme ostentatious may not necessarily express deep connotation. ![]() 在材质使用上审慎选择,客厅采用高质感高饱和度的家具,铺陈开温暖与雅致,精选过的石面穿插于空间中,塑造经看的肌理细节,与点睛的质感。 Carefully selected in the use of materials, the living room adopts high-quality and high-saturation furniture, spreading warmth and elegance, and selected stone surfaces are interspersed in the space, creating texture details and finishing textures. ![]() 自由灵活的沙发组合,让居家度假的梦想大有可为。周末,窝在沙发上看书,让放松的精神接受文字的滋养,或者是重温一本旧影集,找回约会时的甜蜜回忆。 The free and flexible sofa combination makes the dream of a home vacation promising. On weekends, curl up on the couch with a book, let your relaxed spirit be nourished by words, or revisit an old album to retrieve sweet memories of a date. 缤纷交织 餐厅是充满着温情的空间,无论是桌椅、摆件还是挂画,都讲述着独特的故事。保留热情明媚感,优雅的地砖纹理又透露着一丝怀旧气息,画面鲜活清晰,很难不为之着迷。 The restaurant is a warm space, whether it is tables and chairs, ornaments or hanging paintings, it all tells a unique story. Retaining the warm and bright feel, the elegant texture of the floor tiles reveals a touch of nostalgia, and the picture is vivid and clear, and it is difficult not to be fascinated. 壁画与桌椅之间的颜色对比,色彩丰富质感强烈,别有一番风味,缤纷多姿的线条与色彩间彰显品味,和谐有序的变化中重复堆叠,层次分明肌理感十足,赋予了无限想象。 The color contrast between the mural and the table and chairs, the color is rich and textured, the special flavor, the colorful lines and colors highlight the taste, and the harmonious and orderly changes are repeated and stacked, and the layered texture is full of infinite imagination. 跃动空间 空间的最终呈现,不仅是安顿身心的栖居之所,还是让人们寻找到自我本真与精神认同的场域。练鼓室借由独特的表现元素,以及基于对居者身份和客观需求的原则,使这里成为独一无二的存在。 The final presentation of space is not only a place to settle the body and mind, but also a place for people to find their own authenticity and spiritual identity. The tympanum chamber makes it a unique presence through its unique expressive elements and the principle based on the identity and objective needs of the occupants. 每一份热爱都不会过期,当架子鼓节奏响起,唤起想象力与对生活的激情,红与黑的色彩碰撞,音符与现实的交织,年轻酷炫的音乐氛围,对比强烈但和谐共生。 Every love does not expire, when the rhythm of the drum kit sounds, evoking imagination and passion for life, red and black colors collide, notes and reality are intertwined, young and cool musical atmosphere, strong contrast but harmonious symbiosis. 将都市性格和自然情绪在这个生活实验场域有机结合,整体的设计自由却不散漫,用简洁灵动的线条、块面迭落来诠释空间构成关系。着墨于光影和场景的描绘,依赖不同材质的碰撞,营造出自然艺术氛围。 The urban character and natural emotions are organically combined in this life experiment field, the overall design is free but not loose, and the space composition relationship is interpreted with simple and clever lines and blocks. The depiction of light, shadow and scene relies on the collision of different materials to create a natural artistic atmosphere. 项目信息 ━ 项目名称 | 意境折叠 项目地址 | 复星国际 项目性质 | 精装改造 项目面积 | 178㎡ 设计公司 | 易昂设计 |