“方”“圆”弥合,隐匿细节 “任何空间,不应局限于满足特定人群的使用;它该被生活赋予意义,作为某种普遍艺术的一部分而存在……” “Any space should not be limited to the use of specific groups of people; It deserves to be given meaning by life, to exist as part of some universal art…” “形象”逻辑 回望人类文明进程:头发,在原始社会反映出个体健康状态;不同历史阶段的迭代演进中,逐渐蜕变被赋予民族文化观念并揉入个人主观偏好;至今,它已然成为影响人们外在形象的重要个性化元素。 Looking back at the progress of human civilization: hair, in primitive society reflects the state of individual health; In the iterative evolution of different historical stages, the gradual transformation is endowed with national cultural concepts and incorporated into personal subjective preferences; So far, it has become an important personalized element that affects people’s external image. 今天,“时尚”定义的美发品牌及沙龙遍布城市繁华街区,标榜着现代生活的潮流追求与全新体验。 Today, hair brands and salons defined by “fashion” are all over the city’s bustling neighborhoods, boasting the trend pursuit and new experience of modern life. 始创于2011年的“My Hair Salon”选择日常生活里不可或缺、却又无时无刻不在迭代更新的消费类别,秉持“不被定义,为热爱而生”的宗旨,以“发型”设计为契机,探索其对重塑个人“形象”的积极意义。 Founded in 2011, “My Hair Salon” selects the consumption categories that are indispensable in daily life but are constantly updated, adhering to the purpose of “not being defined, born for love”, and takes “hair style” design as an opportunity to explore its positive significance in reshaping personal “image”. “My Hair Salon”不仅仅是一家发型沙龙,更是助力时尚传播的媒介;汇聚潮流精英,强调造型品质及原创精神。 “My Hair Salon” is not only a hair salon, but also a medium to help fashion spread; Gather the trend elite, emphasize the shape quality and original spirit. 处于都市繁华围绕间,解析消费思维,梳理经营逻辑:商业空间“形象”回应顾客心理诉求,方能围合适切场域,进而满足消费人群主观体验的“获得感”。 In the midst of urban prosperity, analyze consumption thinking and sort out business logic: the “image” of commercial space responds to the psychological demands of customers, so as to surround the appropriate field and meet the “sense of acquisition” of the subjective experience of consumers. 完美“距离” 剖析当代消费群体的心理画像:她们拥有个人主见,既善于接纳新兴事物,却也保持着敏锐“距离感”,厌烦“自来熟”式喋喋不休的热络攀谈。 Analysis of the psychological portrait of contemporary consumer groups: they have personal opinions, are good at accepting new things, but also maintain a keen “sense of distance”, tired of the “familiar” type of chattering hot conversation. 人类学研究者将人际交往划分成四种距离:公共距离、社交距离、个人距离及亲密距离,不同距离对应人的心理防备依次减弱。 Anthropological researchers divide interpersonal communication into four kinds of distance: public distance, social distance, personal distance and intimate distance, and the psychological defense of different distances is weakened in turn. “后消费”时代,发型沙龙业态已然抛弃曾经的直白、靠近,弱化物理距离概念。“My Hair Salon”在城市肌理掩映下构筑室内场所,戒浮躁、不单一;基于现代人“发型更新”需求作物化投射,进而推崇顾客至上的精神理念,打造专业定制的造型服务! In the “post-consumption” era, hair salon formats have abandoned the straightforward, close, and weakened the concept of physical distance. “My Hair Salon” builds an indoor place under the background of the urban texture, avoiding impetuous and not simple; Based on the modern “hair update” demand for materialization projection, and then promote the spiritual concept of customer first, to create professional customized modeling services! 遵循惬意消费的尺度距离,促成心理层面放松戒备,记录一种新兴生活方式。 Following the scale distance of comfortable consumption, the psychological level is relaxed, recording an emerging lifestyle. 由内及外 密斯·凡·德罗(Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe)在建筑设计中一直试图创造某种秩序,使所有事物各就其位:“我们期待着完美的实现,使我们所创造的世界由内而外地绽放……” In architectural design, Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe was always trying to create some sort of order in which everything would take its place: “We look forward to a perfect realization that would make the world we create bloom from the inside out…” 回到“时尚”与“设计”的议题:无论是人、还是空间,似乎都渴望从一次次蜕变中尝试“新”的面孔。 Back to the topic of “fashion” and “design” : whether it is people or space, it seems that they are eager to try “new” faces from one metamorphosis to another. 剥离繁冗修饰,裸露的结构同水泥粗颗粒肌理重新界定风格硬朗的造型标准;“骨架式”营造,聚焦实用、功能、场景需求的思考——放弃添加无意义的艺术形式,从而获得一种更纯粹、有意义的卓越“美”感。 The bare structure and the coarse grain texture of cement re-define the styling standard of tough style. “Skeleton” construction, focusing on practical, functional, scene needs of thinking – give up adding meaningless art forms, so as to obtain a more pure, meaningful sense of excellence “beauty”. “方”“圆”弥合 审视传统利用墙体划分空间的做法,揉入“直”、“曲”变化的线、面,创造“方”、“圆”相互弥合的层层递进。 Examine the traditional use of walls to divide space, knead into the “straight” and “curved” changing lines and surfaces, and create layers of “square” and “circle” to bridge each other. 明确结构作为自由平面的基础,组构并维系了灵活平面的不可分割;借景、透景,演绎“虚”和“实”交替嵌套,游走展开间延续对“蜕变”和“迭新”的探讨。 The structure, as the foundation of the free plane, constructs and maintains the indivisibility of the flexible plane. Borrow the scene, through the scene, deduce the “virtual” and “real” alternately nested, and continue the discussion of “transformation” and “overlapping new” between walking and expanding. 循着“方”与“圆”的线索,串连座位秩序排列;光影投射于材质而塑造体量,层次刻画纵深感——精确的几何形式,提炼自抽象化的表现追求,“线”性力场,成为空间整体协调体系的稳固支撑! Follow the clues of “square” and “circle”, connect the seats in order; The light and shadow are projected on the material to shape the volume, and the level depicts the depth – the precise geometric form, refined from the abstract performance pursuit, the “line” force field, which becomes the stable support of the overall coordination system of space! “细节”之下 “细节不仅仅是细节,它们塑造了设计……” “Details are not just details, they shape the design…” “My Hair Salon”坚信:“美”是未来时尚造型屹立不倒的核心。所以,“发型”设计绝非仅仅是发型的设计;其在过程中自然而然地衍生了对整体造型美化带动的需要。 “My Hair Salon” firmly believes that “beauty” is the core of the future fashion style. Therefore, “hair style” design is not just the design of hair style; In the process, it naturally derives the need for overall modeling and beautification. 总体而言,它是一个由被动改变,转向主动追寻“美”的过程:现代社会对“美”的定义带有主观性,愈发包容、多元;干练自信、或柔美温婉、也可不羁潇洒……每个个体都拥有潜力,茧破蝶变,成为独特的自己! In general, it is a process of changing from passive to active pursuit of “beauty” : The definition of “beauty” in modern society is subjective, more inclusive and diversified; Capable and confident, or soft and gentle, can also be unrestrained…… Each individual has the potential to break the cocoon and change into a unique self! 从曾经对材料特性和质量的适切表现方式,到本案中创造实用性与审美性兼顾的空间场景的关键——剥离修饰以后,细节跃升成为平衡建筑简洁性和复杂性的契机;每处局部处理都融于整体,述说独特的形态魅力,从而保证“My Hair Salon”的完美落地。 From the appropriate expression of material characteristics and quality, to the key to creating a practical and aesthetic spatial scene in this case – after stripping and modifying, details jump to the opportunity to balance the simplicity and complexity of the building; Each partial treatment is integrated into the whole, telling the unique morphological charm, so as to ensure the perfect landing of “My Hair Salon”. 秩序逻辑潜藏于构建细节中,而又寄托了精神原则;存在于事实间并赋予其意义,维系主体、客体的平衡,所向生活。 Order logic is hidden in the details of construction, but also the spiritual principle; It exists between facts and gives them meaning, maintains the balance of subject and object, and lives towards them. “先锋”日常 由“公共空间”到“社交空间”,甚至是“个人空间”;“My Hair Salon”着力促成其从发型设计商业场所,向当代社交空间的转化;然后,并入体验叠加做场景衍生。 From “public space” to “social space” and even “personal space”; “My Hair Salon” aims to transform it from a business place for hair design to a contemporary social space. Then, merge the experience overlay to do scene derivation. 拉近心理距离,“第三空间”的属性附加使其响应亲近所好而自然存续。 Narrow the psychological distance, the “third space” attribute attached to make it respond to the good and natural survival. “品质感”结合“空间体验”的复合印象,满足人们憧憬的生活想象;全新“美发”概念的“提案”一旦被接受,其认同、归属感不言自明。 The compound impression of “quality sense” combined with “space experience” satisfies people’s longing for life imagination; Once the “proposal” of the new “hairdressing” concept is accepted, its identity and sense of belonging are self-evident. 当品牌认同的“亲密关系”悄然构建,商业的“究极”竞争力既已形成;“先锋”概念融于日常当中,回报以彼此默契、包容的和谐点滴…… When the “close relationship” of brand identity is quietly built, the “extreme” competitiveness of business has been formed; The concept of “pioneer” is integrated into daily life, and the return is harmonious with each other’s tacit understanding and tolerance… 项目信息 项目名称|My Hair Salon 项目地址|江苏·南京 项目类型|美发 沙龙 项目面积|280㎡ 项目机构|止向设计 主案设计|宋久治 设计团队|陈璐 李克 完工时间|2024年1月 项目摄影|徐义稳 |