本帖最后由 引擎联合设计 于 2024-11-22 13:57 编辑 6 ?( z7 {% Z, [0 f, G 第四届GHDA环球人居设计大奖获奖榜单正式出炉!50位国内外评委历时近一个月悉心评选,最终角逐出金奖、银奖、优秀奖。全四届GHDA环球人居设计大奖(Global Habitat Design Awards)共有600多家设计单位和开发商参与申报,申报项目共近3000个,入围获奖项目1200多个。 n, R5 u& \- L7 `) L& C) TThe winners of the 4th GHDA Global Habitat Design Awards (2023-2024) are officially out! 50 domestic and foreign judges spent nearly a month carefully selecting and finally competing for the gold, silver and excellence awards. More than 600 design units and developers participated in the four GHDA Global Habitat Design Awards, with nearly 3,000 projects applied and more than 1,200 shortlisted projects. 0 Z9 p' d+ o* y5 v8 P4 b 2 Q: @4 l+ x' ]$ D1 V# C 经过严格的评选,此番行业内的激烈角逐,最终落下帷幕,由引擎联合设计主导的【东原金厚·月泉院子】项目斩获 第四届环球人居室内设计-室内设计-金奖 ,值得祝贺! After rigorous selection, the fierce competition in the industry has finally come to an end. The engine joint design competition has won the grand prize and won the Gold Award in the 4th Global Habitat Interior Design, which is worthy of congratulations! * R6 ^4 d+ D8 r; R# a ( Y0 Q G$ m* u% x: P- b ( V s% A( q2 V) L* K& s" i Chapter.01 | GHDA世界环球人居 · 创造美好的人居环境 · ' J& a# z/ V6 r. ]) D9 g8 F GHDA环球人居设计大奖(Global Habitat Design Awards)由设计行业知名媒体新微设计平台和GHDA环球人居设计大奖组委会发起设立,旨在表彰在全球范围内获得良好口碑的人居设计项目。通过严格和高质量的评选标准,发掘杰出的人居设计案例,推动世界美好人居环境的不断进步。 The Global Habitat Design Awards (GHDA) aims to recognize habitat design projects that have gained a good reputation worldwide. Through strict andhigh-quality selection criteria, GHDA hopes to discover outstanding real estate habitat design and advance the progress of a better living environment in the world. ADVANTAGE 奖项介绍 GHDA环球人居设计大奖以新微设计媒体矩阵作为平台依托,借力其强大的平台流量资源,赋于GHDA环球人居设计大奖在移动互联时代的新势能,并最大限度的为参与申报的公司和获奖作品提供曝光度。 GHDA relies on the media matrix of the XW design as a platform, and by leveraging its strong platform traffic, it gives GHDA new potential energy in the era of mobile internet and provides maximum exposure for participating projects and winning works. 新微设计媒体矩阵是目前国内最大的设计类新媒体平台,全平台粉丝超过260万,日均点击量超过10万次。新微设计媒体矩阵着力微信公众平台,扎根设计圈,深耕七载有余,业已形成以新微设计(原微设计)为核心的9大设计类公众号.新微设计媒体矩阵始终以“创造美好的人居环境”为宗旨,在设计圈颇具影响力,享有良好的口碑与声誉。 The media matrix of XW design is currently the largest new design media platform in China, with over 2 million follows and over 100,000 hits per day. The media matrix of the XW design focuses on the WeChat public platform, takes root in the design industry, and has been deeply cultivated for over seven years. It has formed seven design public accounts led by XW design.The media matrix of the XW design always takes "creating a better environment" as its core, which is quite influential in the design circle and enjoys good praise and reputation. # R& e# v) R) {. ? Chapter.02 | 颁奖时刻 · 室内设计类别-金奖 · 第四届GHDA环球人居设计大奖(2023-2024年度)颁奖典礼于6月22日在上海舜元会议中心圆满举办! The 4rd GHDA Global Habitat Design Award (2023-2024) ceremony was successfully held on June 22 at the Shanghai Shunyuan Convention Center! 3 `. g2 ?0 C3 z* L/ W( i' Q( V) ] △ 引擎联合设计荣获:室内设计类别-金奖 9 u5 K$ n* s& ^" l! s; [9 s/ a5 h 颁奖典礼现场近一百来位来自全国各地的建筑、景观、室内、文旅等专业设计同仁齐聚一堂,共同开启第四届GHDA环球人居设计大奖(2023-2024年度)颁奖典礼与环球人居设计论坛,这不仅是一场颁奖典礼,也是一次全领域的设计行业交流盛会! Nearly 100 professional design colleagues from architecture, landscape, interior, culture & tourism, etc. from all over China gathered together to open the 2023-2024 GHDA Global Habitat Design Awards Ceremony and Global Habitat Design Forum. This is not only an award ceremony, but also an grand event of all-field design industry exchange! : e( F# Y3 g% @; E 6 q& \+ |- U/ j; T < 获奖项目 > 东原金厚·月泉院子 | YUEQUAN YARD Award-Winning Work $ Y% {- [" }4 o/ S/ |" k- p 获奖作品以现代雅奢为空间主基调,挖掘浦江企业家家族传承需求,3大原创空间,4大关系场,18个父子同框时刻等功能思考,通过奢石,金属网,夹丝玻璃,等不同质感材质梳理,打造出以不同点线面的灯光形式勾勒出不同的功能场景的营造。创造无限多父子同框机会,让孩子耳濡目染父辈智慧。 The award-winning works are based on modern luxury as the main theme of the space, exploring the inheritance needs of the entrepreneurial family in Pujiang. They have three original spaces, four relationship fields, and 18 father son moments in the same frame. Through sorting out different texture materials such as luxury stones, metal mesh, and laminated glass, they have created different lighting forms with different points, lines, and surfaces to outline different functional scenes. Create unlimited opportunities for father son collaboration, allowing children to immerse themselves in the wisdom of their parents. , h6 C) N* B' T$ K ; a* r% R+ k5 }6 ?2 D6 \0 n- J * E" @; ?1 [ `, w# n h. _ 0 I. w; b+ n) M+ v: x Chapter.03 | 活动典礼掠影 · 2023-2024年度 · 0 @% Z, R. _8 k" ~4 l% d 6 w- r: v" i# W* y 在全场嘉宾和媒体的瞩目下,2024年度GHDA环球人居设计大奖颁奖典礼正式开始,为生活而设计的舞台,推动世界美好人居环境的进步,让地产人感知行业的变迁,让大众发现更多美好生活的可能。 Under the attention of all guests and the media, the 2024 GHDA Global Habitat Design Award ceremony officially began. The stage designed for life promotes the progress of a better living environment in the world, allowing real estate developers to perceive the changes in the industry, and allowing the public to discover more possibilities of Shengduo's beauty. ; j- ?1 V- x) c' C6 L7 b4 r 1 i& f/ x2 R! b/ U3 ^8 @. d3 ^ 1 j8 @7 t/ {( Q% G2 v& D* o 1 J" Z4 @. {7 |- k5 c! p ) r/ a. M# S+ @5 ?2 ]9 H8 r 环球人居设计论坛与颁奖典礼同期举办,本届论坛主题为:AI时代的设计创新,共邀请了4位演讲嘉宾,来自知名设计公司的AI版块负责人,以及设计领域内AI产品研发公司的负责人,从不同的视角阐述人工智能(AI)时代下的设计创新,分享他们在AI领域的最新研发成果。 The Global Habitat Design Forum was held simultaneously with the award ceremony. The theme of this forum is: Design Innovation in the AI Era. A total of four speakers were invited, including AI section leaders from well-known design companies and AI product development companies in the design field. They elaborated on design innovation in the artificial intelligence (AI) era from different perspectives and shared their latest research and development achievements in the AI field. : o" @( {' e8 i ' o5 g1 h7 T1 \- @+ k 7 a5 }) ]6 i$ |1 f" i. ^, l! h - D# k2 }* @1 }$ B1 P $ S9 m z* ]: i/ c' W* a 0 [+ L* |, k% j* X % c# I: V" Y2 W5 h3 ]3 d5 }" ?# e$ V- m% \ 6 D4 S, {9 {) r) q7 e! z 每一届的环球人居设计大奖,都是一场思想的盛宴。来自世界各地的优秀设计师们汇聚于此,他们带着独特的视角和无限的创造力,展现出对空间、环境和人文关怀的深刻理解。 Every Global Habitat Design Award is a feast of ideas. Excellent designers from all over the world gather here, showcasing a profound understanding of space, environment, and humanistic care with unique perspectives and unlimited creativity. ' {. V$ j0 c! h5 u' W6 x; R 8 q3 n4 D8 b$ x, ~( n - Y7 F& L( p0 o7 W * e6 n. v. v$ q' X GHDA环球人居设计大奖,是设计界的荣耀勋章,激励着更多的设计师勇攀高峰,引擎联合设计将继续追求设计创新,不断探索新的设计理念和技术,以保持在行业中的领先地位。 The GHDA Global Habitat Design Award is a medal of honor in the design industry, inspiring more designers to climb new heights. Engine Joint Design will continue to pursue design innovation, continuously explore new design concepts and technologies, and maintain a leading position in the industry. ' F7 {: h: G- V+ F& O, K8 T / X3 Z/ V9 }9 C% d 9 u1 Y# ?) @' M- G4 L7 D9 J 引擎联合设计 | 换个视角看世界 引擎联合设计,创始于2008年,在中国北京、上海、深圳、重庆设立区域公司,2021年被中国深圳室内设计协会评为「最具成长力」室内设计机构。在这个拥有120人的设计团队里,有人胸怀大志,有人破茧而出,有人厚积薄发,有人苦尽甘来,因共同的憧憬,道左相逢,千里与共。 在这个经济主导的社会巨变让人焦虑之时,其对设计价值的传扬和对人世真情的捍卫,一股清流般进入设计界的视野。他们用设计解读生活中的烟火气、邻里情、山河卷、凡人心,既有柴米油盐,也有清风明月,托起了太多人的美好期望。 以文化激活设计,以设计激活商业版图,其提供建筑规划、地产设计、酒店民宿、办公空间、高定私宅、商业空间、公建项目等空间创意设计,批量精装设计与标准化研发,品牌策略、产品策略(IP打造、业态策划等)、营销策略等战略咨询。合作伙伴包括绿城、雅居乐、远洋、阳光城、中铁、中建信和、城建集团、绿地、复地、绿都、万科、融创、中交地产、华润置地、万达、世茂、保利、北京城建,中国雄安、东原、国家能源、中国华能、众安、中房、合生创展、华发、华夏阳光、美盛、中国电建、中国移动、华夏银行、中国银行、光大银行、三盛、天际汽车、上汽集团、美的置业、中国人寿、泰康、中国国电、麒龙等一线品牌开发商,近年已完成设计项目超过300个。 " H9 y4 U& ]1 _' k1 E, o 引擎联合设计 售楼处·样板间·酒店·会所·商业空间·办公空间 * T7 W2 c# u- k3 n, ] 4 {0 N! I" x2 C7 X& P5 h8 N 联系方式 Cel.: 15201295687(同微信) E-mail: 625960816@qq.com # b) w6 o$ i: ]# U3 ] * X0 Z' W4 w$ }/ l0 r7 z 公司地址 北京市·朝阳中传北广传媒基地C222室 上海市·杨浦区国权北路1688弄 湾谷科技园 A4号楼1206室 深圳市·福田区福年广场B座310室 重庆市·北部新区金渝大道89号8幢7-2室 |